Saturday, October 16, 2021

Gatwick Expansion Rejected

At last Wednesday's full council meeting, I was pleased to second a motion from Cllr Liz Kitchen asking council to renew its previously stated (2015) strong objection to use of a second runway at Gatwick.  Reassuringly, the motion was approved unanimously, and it's worth stating its final sentence: 'To support the expansion of Gatwick Airport would be a contradiction to the climate change objectives of this Council.' 

As ever, the devil is in the detail, and examination of the current consultation documentation shows that by 2038 Gatwick aim to increase passenger volumes by 34% without use of the additional runway, compared to a 62% increase with the second runway in use.  Neither is compatible with the policy suggestions from the UK's Climate Change Committee!

At the same meeting, I proposed a motion requiring the council to support national calls for 'a joint local & national government Task Force to plan action to reach net zero emissions'.  Clearly many other councillors support this view, as there is a clear disconnect between the policy proposals from the Climate Change Committee and the ability of local government (which is best placed to implement many of the necessary changes) to act.  I was pleased that the motion was seconded by cabinet member Cllr Philip Circus and was passed unanimously.

My hope is that central government is storing up a raft of measures as part of a CoP 26 beauty parade; but I am not holding my breath, given its relative inaction over the last decade.  Not long now before we find out! 

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