Some of the key principles for enabling sustainable travel are that routes should be direct and safe, the latter generally taken to mean as far away from the main factor involved in injury and death on public highways - fast moving motor vehicles. This can take the form of what's known as 'filtered permeability' using alleys, twittens (whatever your local name is) for sustainable travel users, but not motor vehicles.
Sadly it would seem that the police have not got this message and are opposing such features in new housing developments. As a student in Leeds in the 1970's, I appreciate their concern with some of the old unlit ginnels between high brick walls, but urban design has moved on since the industrial revolution! I understand that the national guidelines are under review and sincerely hope that common sense prevails and the pressing need for sustainable travel provision is recognised.
And speaking of sustainable travel, I was pleased when the recommendations of the Sustainable Travel Task and Finish Group that I referred to in March were approved nearly unanimously by full council on 27 April. Just got to make sure that no-one forgets...
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