Sunday, December 20, 2020

Housing - It's a numbers game - Take 2

As my 9 Nov 2020 post explained, Horsham District's new minimum for housebuilding (as calculated by the mandatory central government 'standard method') is 920pa, plus 5%, plus an estimated 200 to 400 from our 'duty to cooperate' with surrounding local authorities that are 'running out of room to build'. 

I also noted that the results of a central government consultation were eagerly awaited, as this would increase the District's annual target to 1715.  Astute political observers will have noted that many Tory MPs were less than impressed with these proposals, resulting in reversion back to the previous 'standard method', including the continuing use of 2014 projections, thought by many to be past their sell-by date, but with a 35% uplift for 20 cities, including Brighton and Hove (B&H).  

So the 'not as bad as it might have been' news is that Horsham's target baseline remains 920pa.  The potentially worrying bit, especially as far as the southern part of the district is concerned, is contained in the duty to cooperate requirement, as B & H had already said that they could not meet their previous 'standard method' target, so adding on an additional 35% just adds insult to injury, and more pressure on its neighbouring districts and boroughs to help out.

Previously, Horsham District has been able to argue weak linkage to B&H's travel to work and housing market areas, but this time who knows!  (This aspect of the standard method is discussed in more detail on Lichfields' blog.) 

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