Sunday, November 7, 2021

Greening Steyning's Climate March

At yesterday's climate march I was humbled to be asked to say a few words:

My message to the CoP 26 delegates is simple: the clue's in the name - Conference of the Parties. You are in Glasgow because you are party to the Paris agreement. We, the people, will do our bit, but need you, the national representatives, to provide the international framework to ensure that together we can succeed in limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.
As many now realise to their cost, a 1.2 degree rise is significant – beyond 1.5 degrees must not be an option!

photo by Tim Albright


Horsham District's Reg.19 Local Plan - On The Rocks or Awaiting New Orders?

After just 3 days of hearings, which started on the 10 December 2024, the Planning Inspector suspended the hearings, which were due to conti...