The irony of the UK, led (?) by the most right wing government in decades, organising the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference of Parties in Glasgow is not lost on me, nor others I suspect. Nevertheless, we are where we are, and perhaps a few words of encouragement from the Great British Public might encourage our elected representatives to do the right thing for the environment, for once? The recent apparent volte-face with regard to dumping sewage in our seas and waterways should give a smidgen of hope.
So, how to demonstrate support? Locally, as part of a Global Day of Action, Greening Steyning, Bramber and Beeding is organising a pair of marches on Saturday 6 Nov. starting at 2pm to meet at Bramber Castle. Hopefully these will be bigger than the 500 strong 2019 march...
As I said in my (mercifully short for those listening) address to that gathering: 'The time is now, the clock is ticking and it’s up to all of us to act!'
So please demonstrate your support, but also recognise that we are all part of the problem. If you only do one thing, then I would encourage you to 'own your carbon footprint'. You can easily calculate it using one of the many on-line calculators - is my favourite for it's detailed breakdown and openness of the underlying analysis methods, but others are available.
Then ask yourself, what can I do to help the environment that has given me so much? There are plenty of answers out there. Voluntary organisations such as Greening Steyning can offer advice; local and central government likewise - sometimes with support funding offers - but in the end, it's down to everyone of us.