Tuesday, December 7, 2021

More on the new approach at HDC

Yes this is a press release from a Tory council, but it does indicate a willingness to challenge central government's 'build, build, build at any cost' approach to housing, which has to be a welcome start on a long (and probably winding) road to a truly sustainable future.

Councillor Jonathan Chowen, the newly elected Leader of Horsham District Council, pledges a further £1million for climate mitigation and puts the environment and a revised Local Plan at the heart of the Council’s new vision.


“Our Plan – Our Vision – Our District”



On Friday 3rd December 2021 Councillor Jonathan Chowen (Con, Cowfold, Shermanbury and West Grinstead) was unanimously elected as the new leader of Horsham District Council.


Commenting on his election, Councillor Chowen said:


“It is an honour and a privilege and I am delighted to have been elected as Leader of the Council. I am looking forward to tackling the challenges facing our District and the priorities of our residents.


“Our District is consistently recognised as one of the best places to live in England and only last week Horsham was quoted in the top twenty.


“I want to protect and enhance Horsham town, our historic villages and beautiful countryside - not build all over it with imposed housing numbers that ignore the needs of our residents.

On the paused ‘Local Plan’ review Councillor Chowen added:


“The existing draft Plan necessarily met the targets set by Government through large scale house building on greenfield sites.  Recent events have made this Plan undeliverable. “Natural England’s position statement on water neutrality pauses all development in the District until a plan can be devised to mitigate the impact of Southern Water abstracting ground water near Pulborough to supply our needs.  Our consultants have already determined that there are no feasible options for the local authority to achieve 100% water neutrality on its own.  This is a wider problem which will require Government assistance and funding.


“The enforced pause of development means that we will have to reset our housing numbers because the current Government targets are clearly no longer achievable in this Plan period.  Michael Gove has also signalled that he plans to re-visit outdated assumptions in the standard methodology for calculating housing numbers.


“Large scale housing developments will be much more problematic and not feasible until there is substantial investment in large scale mitigating infrastructure, which could take years.


“Therefore the need of large scale strategic sites such as those proposed at Adversane, Mayfield, Rookwood and Buck Barn, or the 1200 houses a year target, now looks very unlikely.


“Using our current plan as a starting point, we will work very closely with the local communities, and the Parish and Neighbourhood Councils. Our focus will be to address their local housing needs, aspirations and priorities. We must ensure that the housing we do deliver is high quality, eco-friendly in design and we must prioritise brownfield sites where possible. 


“Also, we will need to consider the real world impact of planning delays to businesses and individuals, its social impact on investment, affordable homes, schools and recovery from the pandemic.


“We have to let our communities live, grow, thrive and evolve, otherwise they become moribund and unsustainable.  We need the energy and enthusiasm of children and young people and the experience and wisdom of those in their later years. This will help to build diverse and sustainable communities.


“We also need thriving businesses, a strong rural economy, more home-working and encouragement for our young people to live and work in the District. This will help to preserve and enhance our way of life, culture, heritage, our environment and its wildlife.


“That is why the Council will be making a substantial further investment of £1million in our environment, delivering climate change initiatives and achieving carbon neutrality.


“My team and Horsham District Council are committed and determined to meet the challenges that we face, on behalf of our residents and the generations to come.”

Thursday, December 2, 2021

All change at Horsham District Council?

Following his recent election as head of the HDC Conservative councillor group, Cllr Jonathan Chowen (Cowfold, Shermanbury and West Grinstead) is likely to be elected as Leader of Horsham DC next Friday.  Cllr Chowen will replace Cllr Clarke, who tendered his resignation in mid-November.

As Cllr Chowen previously resigned as Deputy Leader, following disagreements with housing allocations in the local plan, and was a key figure in the Wilder Horsham District project, are we about to see a greener policy approach from HDC?

Rest assured that Bob & I will continue to push for green policies, rather than blue-green! 

CoP 26

You'll be relieved to know that I'm not going to add to the massive pile of analyses, but instead link to this clear summary from Dr Martin Meadows via Transition Town Lewes. 

To conclude, I'll just re-quote (with my bold): 

“It [COP26] has failed. We’ve done it at least 26 times and climate change has not stopped. It’s happening already as we speak. But we have to carry on. We’ll hope we do it again next year in Egypt and do it better next time. Pressure from the outside [of COP] is incredibly important and it has to continue.” (Professor Saleemul Huq, Director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development and Professor at the Independent University Bangladesh; advisor to the Group of Least Developed Countries, interviewed on Channel 4 News, 13 November 2021.)

Horsham District's Reg.19 Local Plan - On The Rocks or Awaiting New Orders?

After just 3 days of hearings, which started on the 10 December 2024, the Planning Inspector suspended the hearings, which were due to conti...